Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thoughts/Observations of Cambodia thus far:

- traffic- ordered chaos- if you don't look or wait but walk at a steady pace you won't be run over

- interesting signs: "FFE- Free From Firearms", "No Drug & Sexual Trafficking!", "No Suspicious Stains!"

- staying free from lice and scabies can be achieved ( thus far!)

- children have a high pain threshold - a boy with an amputated toe of seven days happily walks around bare footed

- using sign language to explain vomiting and diarrhoea is a new dance move


1 comment:

  1. Interesting signs, Coniela. There should be one for the tourists that says "Cross the road with the street dogs and you'll never get run over." Thank you all for your word pictures. We are enjoying following your exploits.
