Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MAD for Good

Make a Difference for Good...

...this project was started by Phil and Conchetta, a couple who have lived all over the world but came to Cambodia on a holiday and saw a need to help. They haven't left.

The project is involved in many different activities including water well projects, agricultural development, community education, health & medical outreach programs and English programs. They also have adopted 8 orphans who live in the MAD house with Phil, Conchetta, their daughter Sophie and other western volunteers.

Today David and I were involved with water well pump repairs,assisting a local crew, Coniela, Bronwyn and Miriam worked in a medical outreach clinic in two schools, Miriam ran a gift card making class in the morning and Jane and Philippa ran English classes, one for the orphans in the morning and the other in the afternoon at the local school. It was quite challenging given the local children knew practically no English, but thankfully our guide Rithy helped bridge the language gap. MAD will sell gift cards to visitors as a fundraiser. Coniela and Bron were supposed to be working on outreach medical clinics with the local western medico David, but he had taken ill, so had to make do with vet nurse Deng and a rudimentary medical kit. Sore throats, runny noses, headaches and runny poos were the main symptoms of the children at the school.

Tomorrow we are off to Kampong Pluk, a stilt village where we will observe the fascinating life of these lake people. Jane and Philippa will run an English program in the local school. Then we head to Battambang, half way between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.

More tomorrow...

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